The Rip I. Gauthier Amateur
Hunter Classic
Click here for previous Classic coverage
is a privately owned facility located at 5192 Winston
Churchill Boulevard in Erin Township between the villages
of Belfountain and Erin.
The facility offers riders and their horses a first
class experience in a beautiful and quiet environment.
Facilities include:
- 30 large box stalls in the main barn.
- 2 fully serviced wash stalls
- state of the art air circulation system
- 2 bathrooms including a shower
- Large laundry room/ kitchen
- Large tack room
- Spacious viewing lounge overlooking indoor arena
- 80’ x 187 bright indoor arena
- 150’ x 200 outdoor sand ring
- open grass rings
- 20 paddocks allowing for individual daily turnout.
- 6 lay-off/quarantine and/or breeding stalls in
the small barn.
- Miles of wonderful hacking trails through conservation
and established hunt trails.
From time to time clinics are held with guest trainers
as clinicians. Most recently this has included
Claudia Cojocar & Mark Leone.
